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Раз уж на то пошло. :-) Надо и им отдельно кости перемыть :-)

И пусть М.Киски обыкаеца не-па-децки. Такую группу развалил.

Любимые альбомы - само собой - киппер. И еще - ну очень многие вещи нравяца - с Хамелеона и Мастера оф зе рингз :))))

__________________________________________________ [wbr] ___________________________
Фсе. Осталось создать топик про айрон мейден и моя флудерская совесть будет чиста :о)

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Хэви-Метальный Маньяк

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Chris пишет:
Надо самим послушать и написать рецензию.

Он уже есть в файловообменных сетях!

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Defender Of Metal

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Kirill пишет:
Надо русскоязычных рецензий дождаться, по-моему, они более адекватные.

Не знаю. Панцыревские - адекватные, а 80% остальных - нет... Нужно посмотреть, никто из ЗНАКОМЫХ НАМ по рецензированию HD заведомо НОРМАЛЬНЫХ рецензентов ничего не написал? (Под "нормальными" я воспринимаю не хвалебное отношение к HD, а грамотное рецензирование, без надуманных "а может быть" и явной эмоцииональной окраски/вкусовщины. По существу, как говорится).

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постоянный участник

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Helloween: "Keeper Of The Seven Keys – The Legacy" – 2005
Steamhammer | SPV | СОЮЗ 4 /

Слишком много в этом году было разочарований чтобы удивляться результату новой работы Helloween, да и подобный исход уже предвещали. Настораживал и тот факт что в одном из давних интервью, когда казалось что группа на новом витке своего развития, музыканты вдруг заявили, мол записать "The Dark Ride" их вынудили и далее они вернутся к так называемому стилю "хеппи хеллоуин", а ведь многие считали альбом 2000-го года – спасением группы от застоя.

Короче так и получилось, во второй раз подряд нам предлагают тот самый "хеппи хеллоуин", релиз получился где-то такого же уровня как и прошлый, но, естественно масштабнее, что заочно было ясно из названия. Определённо, он не станет для вас сюрпризом, но это и далеко не крах (скажем у Stratovarius в этом году ситуация куда хуже), другой вопрос что он ни как не тянет на продолжение, или подведение итогов эпохальных "киперов", не так эта работа должна была называться. Неужели музыканты расчитывали сочинить нечто такое что было бы достойно столь громкого названия, ведь и состав уже не тот, да и возраст. Вобщем, "Keeper Of The Seven Keys – The Legacy" в большей степени представляет собой набор разной степени привлекательности середнячков, как для Helloween. Ещё раз повторюсь – это для Helloween середнячки. На самых продолжительных "The King For 1000 Years" и "Occasion Avenue" предприняты попытки создать подобие знаменитых сюит "Halloween" и "Keeper Of The Seven Keys", конечно они и рядом не стоят с ними, но вообще композиции очень даже ничего, Helloween всегда умели сделать длинные вещи захватывающими и разнообразными, не подвели и в этот раз. Выделяется баллада "Light The Universe" спетая на пару с каким-то женским голосом, но припев смахивает на Дерисовскую "Goodbuy Jenny". Кстати, припевы кое-где получились не совсем удачные, они портят казалось бы не плохие вещи, особенно досталось "Born On Judgement Day" и "Silent Rain", эти две вещи – пожалуй единственный бросающийся в глаза (а вернее в уши) минус альбома. В остальном всё вполне достойно (если сравнивать с тем что в этом году вышло), группа не обгадилась так как многие её коллеги.

Если вы приобретёте "Keeper Of The Seven Keys – The Legacy", то не думаю что будете жалеть, работа вполне заслуживает твёрдую четвёрку.«
(Автор Black . Взято с Метал Лайбрари)

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Defender Of Metal

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Kirill пишет:
Он уже есть в файловообменных сетях!

Попроси у ПанцЫря нарезать болванку! У него есть! И GR тоже новый есть.
Осталось Primal Fear найти.

PS. Юмор. Некто Дон Комарро, он же герр Хольгер, узнав о выходе новых альбомов, выдал:

Primal Fear: "О, здорово! Вот порадовал!"
Gamma Ray: "Гмм... Интересно заценить!"
Helloween: "Мммм........"

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JT пишет:
...Знаток наверное ревью писал, музыкант/звукооператор с 30ти летним стажем и шнобэлэффской премией "за заслуги в звукозаписи"?

Шу(и)т его знает..
Там на этом сайте есть ещё реца на новый Гамма Рэй, другого автора... я даже постить сюда её не стану
Вот, можете почитать ( )

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Послушал пока первую часть и только 1 раз. Наворотили там серьезно, с первого раза и не разберешся гут ор нот гут. С вокальными раскладками поработали. Если честно, мне на данный момент излишняя "заумь" не особо нравится - лучше уж песенки с простенькими мотивчиками, типа Джаст э Литтл Сайнъ. Немного напоминает ситуацию с Архонтесом - типа сочинили, аранжировали, записали последний альбом по-взрослому, всякие уебанские критики поют оды - а что прослушал альбом, что нет - в одно ухо влетело, в другое вылетело. С первых то их альбомов (Архонтесов) песни до сих пор помню некоторые, хоть и слушал пару раз всего.

Так что, Хелловин надо еще пару раз асилить оба диска. Это правильно, что они альбом на 2 диска разложили, а то я бы ебнулся его слушать 80 минут, все-таки материал не совсем изи-листенин. А вообще, послушать интересно и стОит, однозначно! Тем более, что мнения сразу разделились от "шедеврально" до "гавнеще редкостное".

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Хэви-Метальный Маньяк

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WOLF пишет:
Выделяется баллада "Light The Universe" спетая на пару с каким-то женским голосом

Это Кэндис Найт из Blackmore's Night.

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Да и "критики" у нас не отличаются здравым и объективным подходом к вопросу. "Ведущий Специалист" признает только "новомодное" и "новаторское" - кибер-готек-синти-индастриал-рэп - это очень круто и современно, а старые пердуны из Айрон Мэйден со своим новым альбомом - "Да..., это было бы круто лет 25 назад..., наверное..., но я уже взрослый и большой мальчик, меня такой хуйней не проведешь! Да и на всех обложках у них какой-то один и тот же мудак нарисован - фантазии нет накакой!". Вторые готовы выставить высший балл за живые драмсы, качественную запись и навороты в аранжировках. Но никто не обращает никакого внимания на такие вещи как мелодичность, хитовость, общая гармония композиции, запоминаемость - это уже несовременно, все мелодии давно придуманы и на такую ерунду не нужно обращать внимания соврменному юзеру, идущему в ногу со временем.

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постоянный участник

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Alexander The Great пишет:
надо еще пару раз асилить оба диска

Это точно! Но ты Саня еще послушай пару разов, он просто не сразу раскусывается, крепкий орешек, СобАка!!!! Ну может чуть затянут, это точно-пару вещей можно было бы выкинуть... на сингл например.

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постоянный участник

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Alexander The Great пишет:
Но никто не обращает никакого внимания на такие вещи как мелодичность, хитовость, общая гармония композиции, запоминаемость - это уже несовременно, все мелодии давно придуманы и на такую ерунду не нужно обращать внимания соврменному юзеру, идущему в ногу со временем.

Эт точно! Другие времена -другие нравы!!

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Soldier of Fortune

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WOLF пишет:
Это точно! Но ты Саня еще послушай пару разов, он просто не сразу раскусывается, крепкий орешек, СобАка!!!! Ну может чуть затянут, это точно-пару вещей можно было бы выкинуть... на сингл например.

Вольф, пиши рецу!!!!!!
Alexander The Great пишет:
соврменному юзеру, идущему в ногу со временем.

...cовременному лузеру идущему в ногу со временем...

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Soldier of Fortune

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Kirill пишет:
Это Кэндис Найт из Blackmore's Night.

Ой... мама...

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Soldier of Fortune

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Alexander The Great пишет:
. А вообще, послушать интересно и стОит, однозначно! Тем более, что мнения сразу разделились от "шедеврально" до "гавнеще редкостное".

Хде наш супер-пупер ТРУ Болванщик ????

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Soldier of Fortune

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А вообще, народ, знаете что. Зря Халавиновцы назвали альбом "Keeper-III" - это ко многому обязывает, знаете-ли , назвали бы как-нибудь по другому и реакция была бы другая, более благожелательная. Вообще, "Кипер" без Хансена, не ТРУ! Это все равно, что Дип Перпл сейчас возьмут и запишут "In Rock-II" без Блэкмора и Лорда.

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Хэви-Метальный Маньяк

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Chris пишет:
Ой... мама...


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Кипер-3 - никто и не называл. Кипер-наследие. Зря то - может и зря, тем более, что ничего общего там нет. Но дополнительный ажиотаж и "разговоры" это принесло. Вот сейчас сидят по всему миру юзеры и спорят: "зря - не зря"

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Soldier of Fortune

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Alexander The Great пишет:
Кипер-3 - никто и не называл. Кипер-наследие.

Да дело то не в этом. Просто надо было называть как-то по другому и тогда бы все сказали "да, неплохой альбом Халавина".
Хотя конечно, ажиотаж они устроили, это правда.

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Хэви-Метальный Маньяк

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Еще и Exodus вышел новый, и UDO, невозможно за всем уследить! И все хочется послушать!

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Soldier of Fortune

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Kirill пишет:

НЕ люблю Кендис Найт.

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Chris пишет:
НЕ люблю Кендис Найт.
Чем же она так тебе не нравится? По-моему очень приятно поёт... да и музыка для ресторанчиков в средневековом стиле, а также для реконструкторских исторических клубов! Да и просто отдыхать приятно под творечество Blackmore's Night!....Мне очень нравится!!

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УДО уже засыпая слушал, но, вроде, альбом просто охуенен! Даже не ожидал уже ничего толкового от старины. Обязательно еще прослушаю более внимательно!

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Soldier of Fortune

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ShrekK пишет:
Чем же она так тебе не нравится?

Ну не знаю, да я вообще не люблю женский вокал. Исключение Дора Пешт. А Блэкморс Найт мне нравится, но не благодаря Кендис, а вопреки, то есть нарвятся: мелодии, гитара и все остальное.

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Defender Of Metal

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Alexander The Great пишет:
Но никто не обращает никакого внимания на такие вещи как мелодичность, хитовость, общая гармония композиции, запоминаемость

А нафиг? По МТВ же крутят мычание на_двух_аккордах, а "говно по ящику наверное не будут крутить" (с)

Alexander The Great пишет:
Это правильно, что они альбом на 2 диска разложили, а то я бы ебнулся его слушать 80 минут, все-таки материал не совсем изи-листенин.
Alexander The Great пишет:
. Наворотили там серьезно, с первого раза и не разберешся гут ор нот гут. С вокальными раскладками поработали.

Заинтриговал. Послушать хоцца. Люблю длинные вещи Тыкв, да и навороченную музыку в таком стиле.

Chris пишет:
Исключение Дора Пешт.

Рульная баба. В любом смысле.
А вообще, еше Скю Сиськина мега_рулит!


А как тебе Лиза Мартынова ака Элоиза Мартин (екс- Мрачное Болото)?

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Defender Of Metal

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Reviews for Helloween's Keeper of the Seven Keys - The Legacy

Fodder for the critics, a feast for the fans - 95%
Written by mak28 on October 18th, 2005

Helloween has long been a band wrapped in controversy, be it feuds between members new and old, detours off into uncharted musical waters, or fans still bitter that Andi Deris exists because they obsess over twiddling their didlers to the first two Keepers albums. The fact is, no one ever seems to be happy about the direction of the band album to album. The most recent pissing contest was two years ago when the band released Rabbit Don’t Come Easy to cries of career suicide from critics. Following up the bands heaviest and darkest release in their history with Rabbit was a mistake but, the album itself? No way! It was actually an excellent release that was most often ripped for being filled with off-kilter humor. Unfortunately, some people forgot that for the past 20 years that goofy humor was a staple of their sound. Maybe metal does rot a few people’s brains because those complaints have no relevance today, especially because, much to the chagrin of the naysayers, the band doesn’t give a crap what they think.

With that attitude arrives Keeper of the Seven Keys: The Legacy. The fans beatin’ it to the oldies are gasping at the thought of a Deris tarnished Keeper legacy, the whiners who insist the band have nothing left after the genius of Kai Hansen departed or, more recently, the hard rock/70’s worshipping Uli Kusch and Roland Grapow, are spitting their usual crap about Gamma Ray this and Masterplan that. Meanwhile, Helloween is back kicking ass again in a bigger and bolder way than ever before. Starting off the album with an epic masterpiece in “King for a 1000 Years” is the first nail in the big toe of critics. Can the band still pull it off? The answer is yes, and with the greatest of ease. Filled with blazing riffs, some epic choirs and ripping solos the guys do power metal right with more class than Hammerfall has dreamed of in their craptastic career. Starting off at the top there is nowhere to go but down, right? Nope. The band proceeds to lay down killer track after killer track. The next big highlight being Pleasure Drone and it’s standout chorus and perfectly crafted solos. Mrs. God, the single and most pop-oriented track on the album follows with hooks galore and verses that stick in your head for days. It’s got an excellent riff that breaks in just before the solo to give it one more kick in the pants. Other highlights include the blazing Born On Judgement Day, the other stunning epic, Occasion Avenue, Shade in the Shadow, Let’s Get it Up, and My Life For One More Day.

With that I can say, save for the decent ballad, Light The Universe, where Ritchie Blackmore’s wife does her worst to ruin the song, there is not a weak spot on this album. With 13 songs on this, that’s pretty sweet! The lyrics aren’t ridiculous this time either. The band heads back in a little more serious direction which is appreciated here and should be far more tolerable to those adverse to humor in their metal.

The bottom line is, if you can’t get into this album you probably don’t care for Deris-era Helloween and couldn’t have given a crap anyway. If you’ve enjoyed their material in any way over the past 11 years then this album is sure to kick your ass. If not, you can head off to listen to some other great releases by other bands but, whatever you do, don’t come here whining about how the band will never top their early material. Take those complaints back a few decades, the rest of us have moved on.

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Defender Of Metal

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keeper of the seven turds - 40%
Written by UltraBoris on October 12th, 2005

I'm taking about 10 points off for the title. I mean had they called this one "Dancing With Fairies" or something equally Pink Bubbles-like, I would have said "oh what the fuck, this is mediocre, but it isn't actually directly shitting on the Kai Hansen years, so I suppose it'll pass". But, alas, aforementioned defecation is non-hypothetical, and therefore, this album gets a fucking forty.

It's not really *bad* in that "latest Phil Anselmo project that claims to be black metal" sense - and it's even a tad better than that terrible Pussy Don't Come Easy shit - but it's not actually good, and to speak of it in the same sentence as Keeper I and II without somehow throwing in an "is defecated on by" construction would be blasphemy.

It's pretty much what you'd imagine from Helloween nowadays - sorta generic and uninspired songwriting, Deris's Deutsche-AOR vocals, and the occasional cute chorus. But, alas, this is a tired band at work - a band whose last super-gonzo-brilyuntzorz idea was the middle break in Midnight Sun and a Mahogany Rush cover (it's a FUCKING Juggernaut, fellas, I thought I should warn you)... and since then has come up for air once (The Dark Ride), and then decided to descend into self-parody through riff recycling and overproduction (Never Be a Star/Perfect Gentleman), shuffling through guitarists and drummers, and then coming up with this thing, which can basically be called "Pussy Still Don't Come Easy - now with longer songs".

Oh really, some of it is okay, but I mean some of that pussy shit was okay too - it's just that the last few years of Helloween's career have been so goddamn forgettable and generic and "mix up chorus here, solo there, little melodic lick here, and you'd never know the difference"... most of the songs on here are just like that. Seriously, can someone tell me, in an objective manner, what the difference is between, say, Do You Feel Good, and Do You Know What You're Fighting For?

The truth of the matter is, you could probably pick up the Mrs. God single and have all you need: Mrs. God, and My Life for One More Day - both of which are singalong blasts of fun. Especially the second one, which for a few seconds here and there puts the Power back in power metal. Also, the ballad, Light the Universe, is surprisingly good... Deris-era ballads have been hit (Forever and One, Where The Eagle Learns to Fly) or miss (the rest, basically), but give one point to the good guys here, because this ballad ain't anywhere near bad.

But, the thing is, there's only so many points to give... when I was trying to pull reference material, I put in A Million to One (because I had mistakenly remembered that as being ballad-like), and kept it in, because that song fucking rules, and the problem with this album is that there is nothing on here that fucking rules of that caliber. No overtly fist-fuck-and-loving-it-amazing solos... (ahem, March of Time) no soul crusher riffs (ahem, that thrash section in Halloween) - Keeper of the Seven Keys, this is not.

If you want Keeper of the Seven Keys part III, try Scanner's "Terminal Earth", or maybe Gamma Ray's Powerplant if you want something that shares at least one member with the first two. The latest Helloween turd-platter, however, has an extremely tenuous claim on the title. This technically may feature Weiki and Grosskopf, but the divergence away from That Sound is pretty damn overt, and has been so since approximately 1996. Not that Helloween have not put out great albums since then (the next two), but still, Before the War is the last thing that could wear Ride the Sky on its sleeve with dignity and grace. This cannot, and therefore it has no place being called the Keeper of anything.

Seriously, what sort of brilliant marketing douchebag came up with the idea to call the new Helloween LP "Keeper of the Seven Keys - the Legacy". I suppose "More of the Rabbit Don't Come Easy Sound, Though a Bit Better Produced, With that one Riff from Megadeth's This Was My Life to Start Track Ten" didn't have a good ring.

Seriously, it's the Pussy Legacy, if it's any legacy at all. The long songs are long, and not particularly epic - their only similarity to Halloween and Keeper being that the length in minutes is expressed with multiple digits... oh and there's a few samples at the beginning of Occasion Avenue where the dude channel-surfs through Helloween classics and scoffs them all. Well, the feeling is reciprocal.

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As for the short songs - just really worth mentioning. I can't say I'm planning on cranking this one any time soon. Oh, maybe I'll go to that folder on my hard drive, but then I'll immediately realise - oh hey I've got Time of the FUCKING Oath right here. Mrs. God got a smirk out of me, and just when I was about to turn the damn thing off, My Life for One More Day came up promising, and kinda delivered... but there are no Steel Tormentors here. No We Burn or I Can or All Over the Nations or any of that, really.

And, certainly, no Save Us or Twilight of the Gods. Those songs caught you by the throat and whipped your head into a fuck-frenzy of unmitigated Raw Fucking Power - that is what I think of when I think of the Keeper era. Even the goofy stuff of that era, like Rise and Fall and Future World, completely smokes the "serious" stuff of this album.

Legacy my ass.

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A new classic, one of the best of 2005. - 97%
Written by requiem99 on October 9th, 2005

Helloween is always all over the place: One year they release an album of power metal genius and the next they'll come up with unmitigated plastic stupidity. I mean, just have a look at their current pinnacle release The Dark Ride, sandwiched between the two colossal bombs of 99's Metal Jukebox and 2003's nuclear train wreck Rabbit Don't Come Easy. How did the same band make all 3 of those albums, much less in a row? It boggles the mind. Fortunately, with the release of Helloween's latest, the long awaited (and somewhat unxpected) third installment in the Keeper of the Seven Keys series, Helloween have come right back with another fantastic album to further prove my accusations correct: The boys from Hamburg really haven't the faintest clue how to make a good album. They just stumble about blindly and collide with greatness on occasion, and 2005 is one of those occasions, as Keeper of the Seven Keys – The Legacy is one of the best Helloween albums to date.

One of the things I've been mailed about a lot this year is perfect scores, and I know I'm going to take a bit of a detour now, but bear with me, as this is something that I need to say. People seem to think that a 5/5 score means that an album is as good as it can possibly get, without a single flaw or detraction. This is not true. Metalcrypt's scoring system (as used by all the long term writers) only goes in quarter point increments, so often a 5/5 album will be just short of 5/5 but more worthy of that score than a 4.75 – This is why some albums with one or two minor flaws can still get a 5/5. Albums that redefine why we listen to metal or capture the pure power of an entire genre in an album usually get a 5+, signalling something everyone into metal needs to own. I know this paragraph is out of place, and I just don't give a shit. I couldn't write enough about the scoring system to make an editorial, and this review just happens to be the best place to talk about it as this album is just short of a 5/5 but not close enough to 4.75 to drop it down.

That having been settled, here is why Helloween earned the above 5/5 score: Songwriting power. “The King for a 1000 Years” blows open the gate with such incredible intensity I had to replay it about 10 times when I first heard it, just to let it sink in before I moved on with the album. I couldn't believe Helloween were actually writing serious and artistic power metal again – Rabbit was a sub-literate abomination and an insult to all of Helloween's fans who prefer artistry to wackiness. Oh, and don't even get me started on Edguy... what is it with German power metal bands and being stupid? Ok, there is one dumb song on here, the single “Mrs. God”, a two minute fifty-seven second radio jaunt with stupid lyrics and some silly moments: Slap bass and a goat bleating? That's what I was expecting throughout the whole album, not just on one song. What can I say? Helloween surprised the fuck out of me. Andi Deris remains strong as hell on this song, as he does throughout this record, and “Mrs. God” is saved from sucking by pure force of will. Highlights from this disc, or should I say this duet of discs (77 minutes does fit on a single CD, guys...) include the darker “Occasion Avenue”, the traditional power metal smash of “Born on Judgement Day”, and the awe inspiring chorus of “Light Up the Universe”. Helloween just reign supreme throughout the duration of this thing, and the difference in quality and passion from Rabbit is just night and day.

However, singling out individual songs from this release is not fair to Helloween, as for only the second time in their career they have released something almost entirely devoid of filler, and trust me, you can take it from someone who has a highly ambivelent relationship with Helloween: 77 minutes of classic Helloween with Andi Deris behind the mic is worth far more than the cost of this release. Forget Keeper of the Seven Keys I/II, this is the release that leaves behind a legacy, as while the previous albums are probably more widely loved, the third installemnt is simply better. Better produced, better performed, and better written – If Helloween is still hitting this hard, retirement is nowhere in sight. A sure bet to hit my top 10 list in a few months.

Originally written for http://www.metalcrypt.com

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HELLOWEEN - simply rule!!! - 90%
Written by death23 on October 3rd, 2005

TreasureChest.de: What did you think when you learned the new album would be titled "Keeper Of The Seven Keys – The Legacy"? Do you believe it was the right decision to do another "Keeper" album without you and [Michael] Kiske?

Kai Hansen: "(laughs) Good question. My initial thought was, 'Oh, nooo!' I would not want to take up something as big as this. Not with a different lineup. It's a great task. At first I thought HELLOWEEN shouldn't do a 'Keeper' without Michi [Michael Kiske]. Is a 'Keeper' possible without me? I don't know, you can that decide for yourself.

LORDS OF METAL : Helloween have a new 'Keeper'-cd coming out. I guess you must have been asked a lot about it by journalists.

KISKE : "I know, but what is to say? It is not my place to comment on other people's works. Of course I find it curious that they would release such a thing. The original 'Keepers' were made not by a bandname but by five individuals. Out of those only two are left, which raises the question if the album could ever live up to the originals. But its their choice."


I wrote those excerpts from two interviews (with Kai Hansen and with Michael Kiske) because I thought the same- that it was a mistake to baptize an album with such a complex name (eveybody knows what Keeper of The Seven Keys means to Heavy Metal, especially to the "young" Power Metal scene). Inevitably, everything pointed to A BIG FIASCO, just like "My bunnies don't spit easy" or whatever the previous album is called. The first hint was the friendly commercial-radio song "Mrs. God" (Terrible choice...Crap!!! If HELLOWEEN had lost it a long time, this would have to be their funeral). However, here it is... a new HELLOWEEN album which has certainly nothing to do with the two first Keepers, but undoubtely shows that the Weikath-Deris-GroЯkopf-Gerstner-Lцble era has just begun....!!!

The compositions made for this album are not balanced, but they have a strong HELLOWEEN spirit developed through many years of a solid career that refused to got stuck in the glory days of the three first albums and the Pink Bubble and Chamaleon letdowns. Songs like "The King for 1000 Thousand Years", "The Invisible Man", "Born on Judgment Day", "Pleasure Drone","Ocasion Avenue", "Silent Rain", Let's get it up", "My Life For One More Day" have deep texturing which permits the pumpkins to bend a riff into the continuation of melodic expectancy for long periods of time. Powerful stuff!!! a typical-HELLOWEEN structure built strong with fine elements of speed and melody, a merging of the modern and the classic. The guitar work on this album is intricate and beautiful amazing hard-rock like. Of note, is the new drummer, Danny on percussion, who makes subtle but direct supporting beats integrate with layers of guitar and bass. Definitely, the themes in songwriting explode through the integration of instrumental lines providing solidarity for soloing and structural change... What else can a true fan ask for???

As I stated before, this new album has nothing to do with the first two keepers 'cause it's impossible to live up to the magic created more than 10 years ago. Fortunately for this German band, they are still many steps ahead of the imitators and rip-offs of a past era ... HELLOWEEN - Keeper of The Seven Keys - The Legacy proves once again why just the strong survive and the weak die slowly in pain.

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Keeper III... - 92%
Written by MercyfulFate on September 27th, 2005

The new Helloween cd, Keeper Of The Seven Keys - The Legacy. Possibly one of the years best releases, much much better than i thought. Starting with the Mrs. God ep the cd lands its mark. Bringing back the classic Helloween sound that hasnt been heard since 1988. Andi's vocals rip the whole album as he shines a new sound to his voice bringing back Kiske's high pitch mixed with the fast pace vox on The Dark Ride. Though without Kai/Kiske/Ingo, it still yet sounds like the original Helloween. But i must admit i highly love this album. I suppose you can say the guitar rifts on this album are fucking incredible, yet again reliving the original Kai/Weikath duo that can never be replaced. I understand bands change and they grow apart, yet Weikath and his new apprentice Sascha Gerstner make quite a pair on the album, with their jamming sessions together they make an interesting duo. Daniel Loble new drummer picked up fresh from his tour with BLAZE, an amazing drummer fits the new Keeper well, bringing back Ingo's sound that blows me away. What can i say about Markus, classy as he always is. Im happy that he lands himself a Bass solo in many of the songs, showing off his true talent that he's shown in Helloween for 25 years. The release of Gamma Ray's new album Majestic will bring no competition to the new Helloween album. Kai needs to open back up his mind and rejoin his family on another album, and Kiske needs to buckle down and get a grip on himself, and admit he's a metal singer. Then we can hear Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part IV (lol).

The King For 1000 Years - Hard lyrical performance and heavy bass/guitar solos land this song a high position on the album

The Invisible Man - Filled with a passionate harmonic feeling to it features a beautiful Guitar/Synth solo that could bring you to tears, depending on who you are

Born On Judgement Day - Heavy bass performance by Markus on this song, along with yet again a mind breaking solo duet. Kinda repeatative, yet song is killer

Pleasure Drone - High pitch vocal work, and an incredible solo by all three front, gives the song a pure sound without interuption

Mrs. God - The perfect single to choose and get people wetting their lips for the album. An interesting guitar rift found through the beginning and the end, along with the chorus, and yet again a nice Markus bass solo

Silent Rain - Like throughout the album, this song brings out the high pitch vocal chorus, and nicely synchronized guitar/bass/drum work that really makes the album a Keeper

Occasion Avenue - My favorite track on the album, opens with echoes of the original Keeper albums, nicely laid out. Breaks into yet again brilliant bass work. Beautiful backround harmonic vocals. Song goes in and out from solos and chorus, reminds me of the old work. Brilliantly done.

Light The Universe - Like most albums today, the albums soft song feat. Ritchie Blackmore's wife Candice Night as a guest vocals. Has a nice soft solo/piano synth that gives it its touch

Do You Know What You're Fighting For - The song that strikes at the government of the U.S, in my eyes. Very balanced song, and a decent addition to the Anti-America movement in Metal

Come Alive - The "inspirational" short song of the album, my least favorite song on the album, yet if it were extended and added a better solo, it wouldve owned because of the great lyrics

The Shade In The Shadow - Short but sweet, an epic of a song with yet again strong lyrical performance, and heavy rifts/chorus that make the song as incredible as it is

Get It Up - The opening rift almost gives me flash backs of the first Keeper. Its brilliance shines, explaining the bullshit of today and what we want isnt what we need. The solo reminds me of the Future World/I Want Out style, great old memories, and new ones as well

My Life For One More Day - Though this shouldnt be the last track cause it doesnt feature the end of the story, or the continuence, just an incredible lyrical charged song. Yet it played in with the sence of the Keeper, it still should have been earlier in the album. Incredible guitar work

The album overall i would give a 92' out of 100, its flaws being the missing link with Kai/Kiske. Its energenic with the sounds of thrash, and pure original Power Metal, brilliance on all instruments, and lyrically pumped from begining to end. The best power metal album of 2005 along with Demons And Wizard's "Touched By The Crimson King". Pumpkins are flying high again, and everyday is Helloween....

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Alexander The Great пишет:
Да и "критики" у нас не отличаются здравым и объективным подходом к вопросу.

Да, всякое встречается.
Некоторые постоянно стремятся навесить стилистические ярлыки на некоторые крутые релизы (один - это спид, другой - это трэш, 3 - хардкор... - это всё про один альбом - ..бесконечные споры на эту тему), как будто это в лучшей степени характеризует данный материал.... Постоянные сравнения с творчеством других групп, причём иногда неуместные. Обвинения во второсортности....
По-моему, это не должно быть в рецах/отзывах на первом плане - надо хотя бы дополнять, круто получилось или нет, типа того. А то почитаешь таких отзывов сполна, так можно подумать, что все музыканты - бездари одни, и мозгов у них нет, чтобы что-то офигенное и своё написать.
Особенно когда часто так про малоизвестные или новые группы говорят... будто неудачники они все, эти группы. Типа, малоизвестная группа является плохой, потому что о ней никто не говорит... а новая - потому что "зелёные" и тоже малоизвестные :)))))

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